When using DejaFu to test concurrent code, as introduced in a previous post, the MonadConc and MonadSTM type classes must be used to abstract over the implementation of concurrency and STM. In regular code, the types and functions in the standard IO and STM monads would be used instead. Luckily, there’s an instance MonadConc IO and an instance MonadSTM STM, so code using the concurrency abstractions will work just fine in IO or STM, but going through a type class can have a performance impact due to a dictionary lookup that comes with it. This was one of the questions raised in the Future Work section of last week’s article.

In the implementation of MonadConc for IO, as well as the implementation of MonadSTM for STM, most if not all functions map directly to their IO and STM counterparts from base and stm. Hence, if we can convince the compiler to emit code not using the type class dictionary when using testable functions (i.e., functions using MonadConc and MonadSTM) in environments where testability is not needed (i.e., when used in IO and STM), there should be no performance impact.

Since this is a Literate Haskell file, some boilerplate before we continue (see this article for more information on how this works):

{- cabal:
  , base ^>=4.17
  , concurrency ^>=
  , stm ^>=
  , tasty ^>=1.4.3
  , tasty-bench ^>=0.3.3
  , tasty-inspection-testing ^>=0.2
default-language: Haskell2010
build-tool-depends: markdown-unlit:markdown-unlit
  -pgmL markdown-unlit
  -rtsopts=all "-with-rtsopts=-T -A32m"

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main (
  ) where

import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Classy.STM as C
import qualified Control.Monad.Conc.Class as C
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup, withResource)
import Test.Tasty.Bench (Benchmark, bench, bcompare, bgroup, defaultMain, nfIO)
import Test.Tasty.Inspection (inspectTest, hasNoTypeClasses, (==-))

Benchmark Baseline

To start, let’s measure the baseline performance of a very simple STM transaction which takes three TVar Ints, reads the contents of the first two, puts their sum in the third, then reads the third and returns the value:

benchSTM :: STM.TVar Int -> STM.TVar Int -> STM.TVar Int -> STM.STM Int
benchSTM v1 v2 v3 = do
  v1' <- STM.readTVar v1
  v2' <- STM.readTVar v2
  STM.writeTVar v3 $! v1' + v2'
  STM.readTVar v3

benchConcurrencyNoInline ::
  C.MonadSTM stm =>
  C.TVar stm Int ->
  C.TVar stm Int ->
  C.TVar stm Int ->
  stm Int
benchConcurrencyNoInline v1 v2 v3 = do
  v1' <- C.readTVar v1
  v2' <- C.readTVar v2
  C.writeTVar v3 $! v1' + v2'
  C.readTVar v3
{-# NOINLINE benchConcurrencyNoInline #-}

withVars:: (IO (STM.TVar Int, STM.TVar Int, STM.TVar Int) -> TestTree) -> TestTree
withVars = withResource mkTVars (const $ pure ())
    mkTVars = (,,) <$> STM.newTVarIO 1
                   <*> STM.newTVarIO 2
                   <*> STM.newTVarIO 0

benchSTMvsBenchConcurrencyNoInline :: Benchmark
benchSTMvsBenchConcurrencyNoInline = withVars $ \getVars -> testGroup "baseline" [
    bench "STM" $ nfIO $ getVars >>= \(v1, v2, v3) ->
      STM.atomically $ benchSTM v1 v2 v3,
    bcompare "STM" $
      bench "ConcurrencyNoInline" $ nfIO $ getVars >>= \(v1, v2, v3) ->
        C.atomically $ benchConcurrencyNoInline v1 v2 v3

Running this benchmark yields not-so-stellar results:

    STM:                 OK (0.40s)
      45.4 ns ± 4.2 ns,  63 B  allocated,   0 B  copied,  34 MB peak memory
    ConcurrencyNoInline: OK (0.27s)
      126  ns ± 5.5 ns, 505 B  allocated,   0 B  copied,  34 MB peak memory, 2.78x

Automatic Specialization

The NOINLINE pragma on benchConcurrencyNoInline prohibits GHC to inline the code (in the benchmark), otherwise specialization could trigger.

If we create a version of the code without the INLINE pragma and benchmark it again, it appears the code performs roughly the same as the native STM version:

benchConcurrency ::
  C.MonadSTM stm =>
  C.TVar stm Int ->
  C.TVar stm Int ->
  C.TVar stm Int ->
  stm Int
benchConcurrency v1 v2 v3 = do
  v1' <- C.readTVar v1
  v2' <- C.readTVar v2
  C.writeTVar v3 $! v1' + v2'
  C.readTVar v3

benchSTMvsBenchConcurrency :: Benchmark
benchSTMvsBenchConcurrency = withVars $ \getVars -> testGroup "plain" [
    bcompare "STM" $
      bench "Concurrency" $ nfIO $ getVars >>= \(v1, v2, v3) ->
        C.atomically $ benchConcurrency v1 v2 v3


    Concurrency:         OK (0.39s)
      45.8 ns ± 3.4 ns,  63 B  allocated,   0 B  copied,  35 MB peak memory, 1.01x

Why does this happen, and can we be certain this is not a fluke?

Inspecting Core

To investigate, we can pass some options to GHC so it prints the Core it generates. Core is a language somewhat like a very simplified version of Haskell, without type classes (which are desugared into dictionaries at this point), that can then be compiled into even more low-level languages before binary code is generated. Here are the important bits:

  :: TVar Int
     -> TVar Int
     -> TVar Int
     -> State# RealWorld
     -> (# State# RealWorld, Int #)
  = \ (v1 :: TVar Int)
      (v2 :: TVar Int)
      (v3 :: TVar Int)
      (s :: State# RealWorld) ->
      case v1 of { TVar tvar# ->
      case readTVar# tvar# s of { (# ipv, ipv1 #) ->
      case v2 of { TVar tvar#1 ->
      case readTVar# tvar#1 ipv of { (# ipv2, ipv3 #) ->
      case ipv1 of { I# x ->
      case ipv3 of { I# y ->
      case v3 of { TVar tvar#2 ->
      case writeTVar# tvar#2 (I# (+# x y)) ipv2 of s2# { __DEFAULT ->
      readTVar# tvar#2 s2#

benchSTM :: TVar Int -> TVar Int -> TVar Int -> STM Int
  = benchSTM1
    `cast` <Co:15> :: (TVar Int
                       -> TVar Int
                       -> TVar Int
                       -> State# RealWorld
                       -> (# State# RealWorld, Int #))
                      ~R# (TVar Int -> TVar Int -> TVar Int -> STM Int)

With a bit of imagination, we can see benchSTM1 resembles our original benchSTM code, in a state monad over State# RealWorld. Keep in mind TVar is a newtype constructor over the compiler-internal representation of a TVar (which is TVar# RealWorld a), and readTVar# and friends are alike readTVar, but for the internal TVar# type.

benchSTM is benchSTM1 casted to plain STM (which is, like IO, a newtype of State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)).

Here’s benchConcurrencyNoInline:

  :: forall (stm :: * -> *).
     MonadSTM stm =>
     TVar stm Int -> TVar stm Int -> TVar stm Int -> stm Int
  = \ (@(stm :: * -> *)) ($dMonadSTM :: MonadSTM stm) ->
      let {
        $dMonad :: MonadPlus stm
        $dMonad = $p2MonadSTM $dMonadSTM } in
      let {
        $dMonad1 :: Monad stm
        $dMonad1 = $p2MonadPlus $dMonad } in
      \ (v1 :: TVar stm Int) (v2 :: TVar stm Int) (v3 :: TVar stm Int) ->
        let {
          lvl15 :: stm Int
          lvl15 = readTVar $dMonadSTM v2 } in
        let {
          lvl16 :: stm Int
          lvl16 = readTVar $dMonadSTM v3 } in
          (readTVar $dMonadSTM v1)
          (\ (v1' :: Int) ->
               (\ (v2' :: Int) ->
                    (case v1' of { I# x ->
                     case v2' of { I# y -> writeTVar $dMonadSTM v3 (I# (+# x y)) }

Here, the MonadSTM dictionary is passed along (and then unpacked to retrieve the MonadPlus and Monad instances as well), and every call to, e.g., readTVar becomes a field lookup from the dictionary (readTVar $dMonadSTM is like a regular field lookup in a data record), hence an indirect call. Also, the monadic binds (>>= and >>) can’t be expanded as is the case in benchSTM. It seems pretty clear why benchConcurrencyNoInline performs about 2.78x slower than benchSTM!

Last but not least, the code GHC generates for benchConcurrency:

  :: forall (stm :: * -> *).
     MonadSTM stm =>
     TVar stm Int -> TVar stm Int -> TVar stm Int -> stm Int
  = \ (@(stm :: * -> *)) ($dMonadSTM :: MonadSTM stm) ->
      let {
        $dMonad :: MonadPlus stm
        $dMonad = $p2MonadSTM $dMonadSTM } in
      let {
        $dMonad1 :: Monad stm
        $dMonad1 = $p2MonadPlus $dMonad } in
      \ (v1 :: TVar stm Int) (v2 :: TVar stm Int) (v3 :: TVar stm Int) ->
        let {
          lvl15 :: stm Int
          lvl15 = readTVar $dMonadSTM v2 } in
        let {
          lvl16 :: stm Int
          lvl16 = readTVar $dMonadSTM v3 } in
          (readTVar $dMonadSTM v1)
          (\ (v1' :: Int) ->
               (\ (v2' :: Int) ->
                    (case v1' of { I# x ->
                     case v2' of { I# y -> writeTVar $dMonadSTM v3 (I# (+# x y)) }

This looks… suspiciously similar to the benchConcurrencyNoInline code. But when running the benchmark, the performance of the regular version was aligned with the benchSTM code. What’s going on?

It turns out GHC spotted an opportunity for specialization, and performed the following two steps:

  • It created a specialized version of the function:
  :: TVar STM Int
     -> TVar STM Int
     -> TVar STM Int
     -> State# RealWorld
     -> (# State# RealWorld, Int #)
  = \ (v1 :: TVar STM Int)
      (v2 :: TVar STM Int)
      (v3 :: TVar STM Int)
      (eta :: State# RealWorld) ->
      case v1 `cast` <Co:3> :: TVar STM Int ~R# TVar Int of
      { TVar tvar# ->
      case readTVar# tvar# eta of { (# ipv, ipv1 #) ->
      case v2 `cast` <Co:3> :: TVar STM Int ~R# TVar Int of
      { TVar tvar#1 ->
      case readTVar# tvar#1 ipv of { (# ipv2, ipv3 #) ->
      case ipv1 of { I# x ->
      case ipv3 of { I# y ->
      case v3 `cast` <Co:3> :: TVar STM Int ~R# TVar Int of
      { TVar tvar#2 ->
      case writeTVar# tvar#2 (I# (+# x y)) ipv2 of s2# { __DEFAULT ->
      readTVar# tvar#2 s2#

Note this is, modulo some different but related cast invocations (which have no runtime impact) the very same as benchSTM1. Indeed, this is a specialized version of benchConcurrency for TVar STM Int -> TVar STM Int -> TVar STM Int -> STM Int, i.e., when using benchConcurrency in the regular STM monad.

  • It created a rule to rewrite calls to benchConcurrency, when used in the STM monad, to benchConcurrency1:
"SPEC benchConcurrency @STM"
    forall ($dMonadSTM :: MonadSTM STM).
      benchConcurrency $dMonadSTM
      = benchConcurrency1
        `cast` <Co:18> :: (TVar STM Int
                           -> TVar STM Int
                           -> TVar STM Int
                           -> State# RealWorld
                           -> (# State# RealWorld, Int #))
                          ~R# (TVar STM Int -> TVar STM Int -> TVar STM Int -> STM Int)

Note the $dMonadSTM dictionary isn’t used on the right hand side of the rewrite rule, so we can be certain no indirections through the MonadSTM dictionary can be used in benchConcurrency1.

When inspecting the actual benchmark code, we can see a call to benchConcurrency1 is used instead of a call to benchConcurrency, and hence, we get the very same performance as the benchSTM version:

{ (# ipv, ipv1 #) ->
case ipv1 of { (v1, v2, v3) ->
case atomically#
          (v1 `cast` <Co:4> :: TVar Int ~R# TVar STM Int)
          (v2 `cast` <Co:4> :: TVar Int ~R# TVar STM Int)
          (v3 `cast` <Co:4> :: TVar Int ~R# TVar STM Int))

Explicit Specialization

Great, GHC is able to specialize MonadSTM code to the equivalent STM code when it spots an opportunity to do so. However, this only works within a single module: if benchConcurrency were defined in one module, and used from another to benchmark it, the implementation of benchConcurrency is no longer visible to GHC, except if it decided the function is small enough to be inlineable, or we told it (with the INLINE pragma) to do so. Many STM functions are relatively large though, so we don’t necessarily want to inline them. What to do?

As a library author, we can force GHC to create specialized versions of some code for us, and generate the according rewrite rule as well, as if it decided to do so by itself within a single module. Let’s give this a try:

benchConcurrencySpecialized ::
  C.MonadSTM stm =>
  C.TVar stm Int ->
  C.TVar stm Int ->
  C.TVar stm Int ->
  stm Int
benchConcurrencySpecialized v1 v2 v3 = do
  v1' <- C.readTVar v1
  v2' <- C.readTVar v2
  C.writeTVar v3 $! v1' + v2'
  C.readTVar v3
{-# SPECIALIZE benchConcurrencySpecialized ::
      STM.TVar Int -> STM.TVar Int -> STM.TVar Int -> STM.STM Int #-}

benchSTMvsBenchConcurrencySpecialized :: Benchmark
benchSTMvsBenchConcurrencySpecialized = withVars $ \getVars -> testGroup "specialized" [
    bcompare "STM" $
      bench "ConcurrencySpecialized" $ nfIO $ getVars >>= \(v1, v2, v3) ->
        C.atomically $ benchConcurrencySpecialized v1 v2 v3

Note the use of the SPECIALIZE pragma above. Running this gives

    ConcurrencySpecialized: OK (0.20s)
      47.9 ns ± 4.4 ns,  63 B  allocated,   0 B  copied,  35 MB peak memory, 1.03x

Furthermore, the following Core is generated:

  :: forall (stm :: * -> *).
     MonadSTM stm =>
     TVar stm Int -> TVar stm Int -> TVar stm Int -> stm Int
  = \ (@(stm :: * -> *)) ($dMonadSTM :: MonadSTM stm) ->
      let {
        $dMonad :: MonadPlus stm
        $dMonad = $p2MonadSTM $dMonadSTM } in
      let {
        $dMonad1 :: Monad stm
        $dMonad1 = $p2MonadPlus $dMonad } in
      \ (v1 :: TVar stm Int) (v2 :: TVar stm Int) (v3 :: TVar stm Int) ->
        let {
          lvl19 :: stm Int
          lvl19 = readTVar $dMonadSTM v2 } in
        let {
          lvl20 :: stm Int
          lvl20 = readTVar $dMonadSTM v3 } in
          (readTVar $dMonadSTM v1)
          (\ (v1' :: Int) ->
               (\ (v2' :: Int) ->
                    (case v1' of { I# x ->
                     case v2' of { I# y -> writeTVar $dMonadSTM v3 (I# (+# x y)) }

"SPEC benchConcurrencySpecialized"
    forall ($dMonadSTM :: MonadSTM STM).
      benchConcurrencySpecialized $dMonadSTM
      = benchConcurrency1
        `cast` <Co:18> :: (TVar STM Int
                           -> TVar STM Int
                           -> TVar STM Int
                           -> State# RealWorld
                           -> (# State# RealWorld, Int #))
                          ~R# (TVar STM Int -> TVar STM Int -> TVar STM Int -> STM Int)

The compiler detected the specialized version of benchConcurrencySpecialized for STM is the very same as the specialized version it already created for benchConcurrency, so benchConcurrency1 gets simply reused.

With the SPECIALIZE pragma in place, we can write and test code using MonadSTM, whilst at the same time guaranteeing that users of the library using plain STM code won’t incur any performance hit.


We can even go one step further, and ensure MonadSTM usage is completely erased: in a test using the inspection-testing library. Even more, we can check whether two versions of a function using our library function are (after inlining) the same:

stmVersion :: IO ()
stmVersion = do
  v <- STM.newTVarIO 0
  _ <- STM.atomically $ benchSTM v v v
  pure ()

concurrencyVersion :: IO ()
concurrencyVersion = do
  v <- STM.newTVarIO 0
  _ <- STM.atomically $ benchConcurrencySpecialized v v v
  pure ()

testMonadSTMErased :: TestTree
testMonadSTMErased = $(inspectTest $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concurrencyVersion)

testFunctionsEqual :: TestTree
testFunctionsEqual = $(inspectTest $ 'concurrencyVersion ==- 'stmVersion)
  concurrencyVersion does not contain dictionary values: OK
  concurrencyVersion ==- stmVersion:                     OK



This article showns how, with liberal use of SPECIALIZE pragmas in library code, it’s possible to eliminate the overhead of MonadConc and MonadSTM when library functions are used in the regular IO and STM monads. Hence, let this be a call to library authors to write their code using MonadConc and MonadSTM such that consumers of the library can still write DejaFu tests for code using data structures and functions defined in it!

Wrapping Up

To wrap up, run all benchmarks and tests:

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain [